Teaching & Learning Seminar 2017
Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin.
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CONUL T&L Seminar 2017 Programme
10:00-10:30 Registration, Trinity Long Room Hub entrance lobby
Tea/Coffee, Neill Hoey Lecture Theatre, Level 2, Trinity Long Room Hub
10:30-10:45 Welcome and introductions
10:45-11:30 Keynote 1
How can you tell if it is working? Evaluating the impact of educational
innovations: David Streatfield, Global Libraries Initiative Consultant
11:30-11:50 CONUL Teaching & Learning Award 2016 Winner
Breaking the S.E.A.L. – Developing new pedagogies and impacts for schools archive users: Barry Houlihan, Archivist, NUI Galway and Dr Paul Flynn, Technology Enhanced Learning Methodologist, School of Education, NUI Galway
11:50-12:00 L2L Expanding horizons: Personal Development for Library Staff who teach:
L2L Project team
12:00-13:00 Lightning Talks 1
1. Sarah-Anne Kennedy, Dublin Institute of Technology
Job Space: Using Library resources and research skills to support employability.
2. Elaine Harrington , University College Cork
1st year object based research learning as used by Music and History students.
3. Geraldine Fitzgerald, Trinity College Dublin
Starting from Scratch: Inclusive Library Practice for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
4. Sue Miller, Dublin City University
Responding to teacher’s perceptions of barriers to integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching: Designing interventions and supports to build information literate attitudes and behaviours in BEd students in DCU Institute of Education.
5. Kris Meen, National University of Ireland Galway
Academic Skills and Digital Literacies
13:00-14:00 Sandwich Lunch, Neill Hoey Lecture Theatre, Level 2, Trinity Long Room Hub
14:00-15:00 Keynote 2
New tricks? Negotiating the librarian identity: Dr Emma Coonan, FHEA, Academic Librarian (Information and Digital Literacies), Library, University of East Anglia
15:00-16:00 Lightning Talks 2
1. Jayne Dunlop, Ulster University
Nearpod in Classes
2. Fintan Bracken, University of Limerick
Getting credit: The story of the development of an accredited module of digital skills forPhD candidates
3. Carole Connolly, Maynooth University
Lessons Learnt: Changes to LIST at Maynooth University
4. Marta Bustillo, University College Dublin
Information literacy support for ‘Decolonising the curriculum’ project
16:00 Seminar Close
CONUL Teaching and Learning Seminar – Report Libfocus
Journal of Information Literacy