We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 2018 CONUL Annual Conference, which will be held on 30th-31st May in the Galway Bay Hotel.
The conference theme, Transformative Experiences: Libraries Innovating and Changing, will be explored through presentations, lightning talks and posters looking at technology in libraries, developing the library workforce, enhancing user engagement & experiences, measuring the impact and effectiveness of library services, and new synergies and transformations for library collections.
Keynote Speakers:
- Vivian Lewis, University Librarian at McMaster University
- Jim Neal, University Librarian Emeritus at Columbia University & President of the ALA
See the conference website for further information: http://conference.conul.ie/keynote-speakers-2018/
The full conference programme will be announced shortly.
Early bird registration is available until Friday 6th April 2018. Spaces and Accommodation are limited so we advise early registration to avoid disappointment.
Further details and online registration are available on the Conference Website