UCD Library is working with Bord na Gaeilge UCD on a project which has been sponsored by the UCD SPARC initiative.
This initiative provides small grants to facilitate joint projects between students and UCD staff, and further details are at http://www.ucd.ie/careers/
This particular project is entitled
An Ghaeilge Bheo / The Living Language
The launch event on February 7th will include conversation and music from members of the Celtic rock band KILA. A series of three other events are planned for Semester 2.
The events provide an opportunity for both students and staff to hear and/or use the language in an informal environment.
The Library contribution includes: providing the space for the events, providing design work and publicity channels, working with the students on preparing a Powtoon animation and on guest posts on the Library blog.
More details are available on the project page at http://www.ucd.ie/library/