Library Strategy 2016-2020 and new edition of UCD Library general guide now available. We are pleased to present the UCD Library Strategy 2016-2020 including revised Mission, Vision and Values statements, 7 themes for the coming years and our main actions to meet University objectives. Available to download or view at We have also published...Read More
In the wake of the Brexit referendum, CONUL has sent a statement of support to our UK colleagues (via RLUK and SCONUL). We confirm our commitment to collaboration with our colleagues in the spirit of friendship, trust and understanding which has underpinned our work during the past decades.Read More
‘Fit as fiddles and as hard as nails’ is the name given to an online project recently launched in TCD which draws on the special collections in the Library relating to WWI. It takes its inspiration from a growing interest in the history of Irish service in the British army in 1914-18. This new project...Read More
National University of Ireland, Galway, has published its Library strategy to 2020. This document reflects a close alignment with the University’s Vision 2020 and an extensive consultation process. It is also the result of a very positive engagement by Library staff, including the adoption of a new user-centred team structure described therein. The overarching vision is...Read More
On 30 June, a new exhibition ─ ‘Representations of Jews in Irish literature’ ─ was launched at the Royal Irish Academy Library by the Vice-Chair of the Irish-Jewish Museum, Ms Yvonne Altman-O’Connor, in the presence of H.E. Ambassador Ze’ev Boker, Mrs Boker, and guests. The exhibition is just one outcome of several projected publications and...Read More
UCD held their inaugural UCD Festival on Saturday 18 June, aimed at encouraging staff, students, alumni and the local community onto campus. There were some 6,000 visitors to campus on the day and over 90 separate events were offered. UCD Library rose to the challenge, offering various presentations and the opportunity to browse in James...Read More
UCD Library again offered the opportunity to local Leaving Cert students to study and revise for their examinations in the quiet of the James Joyce Library. The fee was 30 euro with free access for students from DEIS Schools, and an optional add-on Maths tutorial module. This scheme has proven to be trouble-free over the three...Read More
UCD Archives, UCD Digital Library, UCD Special Collections and the National Folklore Collection UCD (the four cultural heritage units which now form part of UCD Library) are planning a Twitter campaign to celebrate International Archives Day on 9 June. All four repositories will tweet throughout the day with images of, or links to, items in...Read More
Maynooth University Library is delighted to be one of four libraries (over 2,000 sqm) shortlisted for the prestigious SCONUL Library Design Awards 2016. The winner will be announced at the 2016 Design Awards Showcase, to take place on Thursday 1 December in London. For more information please see: More
A training day took place April 19th which included a half day workshop on marketing led by Ned Potter from University of York Library, followed by a range of short presentations about publicity and promotion from a mix of academic libraries in Ireland. The day – part of the ANLTC programme – was arranged by...Read More