CONUL Research Award 2024 is now seeking submissions

CONUL Training and Development is inviting research proposals for the 2024 CONUL Research Award.  This is the 8th time this Research Award has been offered to the CONUL Community, the award began as the ANLTC Research Award.

The objective of this award is to encourage practitioner-based research and innovation on any topic of relevance to the individual or their library. If you are currently engaged in research or thinking of undertaking a research project this may be of interest to you. 

The award can be worth up to a maximum value of €2,000. €500 of this is a prize for the winning entrant (on completion of the paper) and up to €1,500 in funding will be available to you to conduct the research, to defray travel or transcription costs for example.

The closing date for receipt of proposals is Friday 25 October 2024.

If you are interested or considering putting in an application you should speak to your CONUL T&D Rep or the Research Award coordinator, Donna Ó Doibhlin, .

For more information on the award and to see previous winning entries please visit