Customer Services

What We Do

The focus of this committee is to explore and promote best practice for public/customer services within CONUL libraries.

We provide a forum for the discussion of service delivery models and associated trends and best practice in relation to customer service in libraries, both nationally, internationally, onsite and online.

We explore ways to demonstrate the value and impact of frontline services

We explore the role of user experience in shaping customer services

We work to promote best practice in the area of  Disability Services and Accessibility

We explore the use, design and evolution of library spaces

We examine emerging customer service roles, identify CPD needs and liaise with CONUL Training and Development Committee

We review collaborative access schemes and public access to CONUL member libraries

We consider the storage and circulation of library collections in the context of reading rooms services

We identify opportunities for forging partnerships with international organisations working in relevant areas of interest

Our Activities

The group meets 4 times per annum

We have just completed a review of the ALCID borrower scheme

We organise training in the area of Customer Service provision and organise a seminar every two years to showcase best practice in the CONUL libraries

Training, Courses & Events

Show & Tell 2023: All Together Now: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in our Libraries.

CONUL Customer Services Group Show & Tell Seminar 2023:

All Together Now: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in our Libraries.

Registration is now open!

The Customer Services Group Show & Tell seminar is taking place in TU Dublin, Grangegorman Campus on Friday, the 14th April 2023, 10am-3.30pm.

The theme this year is Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and will showcase the great customer service initiatives taking place across the CONUL libraries. The programme will include a number of 10 minute presentations and plenty of discussion. 

Audience:  This event is aimed at all library staff, especially staff at Library Assistant or Senior Library Assistant Grades, who are involved in shaping Customer Services and would like to hear examples of innovation from other institutions that have had an impact on how library users experience services. The programme is specifically designed to allow time for networking and the sharing of ideas with colleagues.

There is no charge to attend.


Call for Papers


Please contact  (Chair of CSG)  with any questions.

14th April 2023, TU Dublin, Grangegorman Campus, Dublin 7

Show & Tell 2021: Covid as a Catalyst for Change – Customer Service Initiatives with Impact

6th July 2021, Online

Great Customer Service is something that all library staff strive to achieve. 2020/21 was an unprecedented time for those of us working in libraries – it necessitated a full assessment and complete pivot from our tried and tested service models as we responded to the needs of our users during the pandemic. This one-day event will showcase best practice and innovation in customer services within academic and research libraries in Ireland during this time. Presentations on the day will address key questions such as:

How did we welcome and orientate new users from different user groups?
How did we help users find material?
How did we provide customer service during this time?
How did we make sure our online space worked for our users?
How did we solicit and evaluate feedback?

How did we continue to ensure our libraries continued to be sustainable and green?

How did we ensure fair and equal access for all?

View the seminar presentations

Seminar programme

Show & Tell 2018: All About the Customer – Initiatives with Impact

24th April 2018, DCU, St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra.

Exceptional customer service underpins the service goals for all library staff. This one-day event showcased best practice and innovation in customer services within academic and research libraries in Ireland.

See the Presentations

Seminar Programme

Who We Are

Chair: Sarah-Anne Kennedy (TU Dublin)

Deputy Chair: Vacant

Communications Officer: Peter Dudley (TCD)

Secretary: Christine Cullen (RCSI)

Members: Catherine Ahearne (MU), Rosina Doherty-Allan (UU), Mary Dundon (UL), Elaine Harrington (UCC), Gráinne MacLochlainn (NLI), Shauna McDermott (DCU), Kristopher Meen (UoG), Robert Whan, (QUB)

Member Spotlight

Ulster University Library

Ulster University Library forms part of the Academic Quality & Student Experience portfolio which includes the Access Digital and Distributed Learning Department, the Academic Office, Employability and Careers, the Centre for Higher Education Research and Practice, Quality Enhancement and Campus Life.  The Library Service operates its service across each of the University’s three campuses (Belfast, Coleraine and Magee) to support learning, teaching and research.  Each campus library is a modern learning space providing integrated library services, resources, study space and student computing with generous opening hours.