Irish Erasmus Library Staff Mobility week: 23 – 27 June 2025
Are you interested in visiting Ireland?
CONUL Libraries will be hosting the sixth Erasmus Library Staff Mobility week on 23 – 27 June 2025.
This very popular week is targeted at professional library staff working in university or other research orientated libraries, with an interest in visiting Ireland.
During the week you will have the opportunity to engage with Irish librarians and visit many of Irelands top libraries.
The theme for 2025 is “Future-proofing libraries”.
Find out more about the programme:
Libfocus Article:
Listen to past participants sharing their experiences:
For European staff mobility programmes, check the IMOTION Erasmus Staff training website.
The Programme is now open for applications.
Library staff with a professional library qualification and working in university or other research orientated libraries
Further details will be posted on this website, on the iMotion Erasmus Staff Training portal and on social media.
European staff mobility programmes
Interested in attending a Library Erasmus programme in Europe?
There are great opportunities to be discovered on the iMotion ERASMUS Staff Training portal under ‘Libraries and Learning Centres’.
For more information on funding, check with your Institutions Erasmus office.
Staff working in higher education institutions are generally eligible to apply if your institution is part of the scheme.
You can attend training at any higher education institute in an EU Member State or third countries associated with the programme.
Application details will be on the iMotion portal. You will need to seek approval within your Library and institution before applying.
You can apply for Erasmus staff training mobility grant funds through your home institution.
Check out the talks by Irish Library staff sharing their experiences of attending an Erasmus programme abroad.
Further information available on the Erasmus+ website and from your institutions Erasmus office. Your local Library staff manager will be able to advise.