Teaching and Learning

CONUL is committed to leading, promoting and facilitating the development of information literacy skills. Library staff in CONUL institutions have considerable expertise in this area – working closely with academic colleagues to provide learning outcomes for students that underpin their success in study and research more generally.
Working to promote the role and measure the value of, libraries in teaching and learning within Higher Education, this committee progresses and builds on the work of the Advisory Committee on Information Literacy (ACIL) (2002- 2013).

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Teaching and Learning Subcommittee:  Standing committee to investigate the role of libraries in teaching and learning.

Terms of Reference

  1. Provide a Community of Practice and foster a culture of teaching excellence amongst CONUL members
  1. Explore, research, identify and share best practice in embedding information literacy into teaching and learning, focussing on the areas of transition, retention, student experience, linking teaching and research and graduate attributes
  1. Share strategies to collaborate with academic colleagues on embedding critical academic skills in the curricula of CONUL institutions
  1. Advise, advocate, lobby and influence in emerging areas such as digital literacies, technology led teaching and research led teaching in undergraduate programmes
  1. Unlock the national value of unique and distinct collections through our teaching practice
  1. Ensure Libraries are central to Learning and Teaching and review skills and competency needs of Library staff to provide quality teaching
  1. Organise training and development events when required such as the annual Teaching and Learning Seminar
  1. Recognize outstanding contribution to the field through our Teaching and Learning Award
  1. Advocate and work to ensure that appropriate questions in relation to value of Library

        Skills  for students and assessment of impact are included in the ISSE national student


  1. Collaborate with other CONUL members, our own local institutions, and national bodies

         such as the National Forum for Teaching and Learning and the LAI Taskforce on Information

         Literacy to promote and advocate for the role of IL in all aspects of academic, work and life 


Co-Chairs: Diarmuid Kennedy (QUB), Caroline Montgomery (TCD)

Secretary: Patrick Keegan (RSCI)

Treasurer: Gwen Ryan (University of Galway)

Members: Susan Boyle (UCD), James Flannery (DCU), Jeanie Parris (Ulster), Ben Williamson (UCC), Catherine Curtin (TU Dublin)

Member Spotlight

The National Library of Ireland

The National Library of Ireland is the library of record for Ireland; our collections are permanent, and accessible by all. Established in 1877, our mission is to collect, protect and share the material that comprises Ireland’s literary and documentary heritage, in whatever form it takes.

We do this on behalf of the State for the people of Ireland, and it is a great privilege and an enduring responsibility.