RCSI Library Seminar: Why Learning Space Matters: Aligning learning landscapes with Health Sciences Curricula

Date & Location:  9.30am – 12.30pm, Thursday 21st June 2018, RCSI, 26 York Street.

This half day seminar will explore research and practice concerned with the design and alignment of learning spaces with health sciences curricula including the role of libraries as connectors between formal and informal learning spaces.


08:30 – 09:30 Registration & Tour sign up
09:30 – 09:40 Welcome and Introduction
09:40 – 10:30 Airport lounges, hotel lobbies and multimedia studios: the Library 

Dr Jonas Nordquist, Director, Medical Case Centre Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 11.30 26 York Street – between the lines

Peter McGovern, Director, Henry J Lyons Architects, Dublin, Ireland

11:30 – 12:00 We’ll have what they’re having: trends in library/learning space design

Karen Latimer, Chair Designing Libraries Advisory Board, UK

12:00 – 12:30 Panel Discussion:

All speakers, chaired by Professor Laura Viani

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:00 & 13:30 Tours of RCSI, 26 York Street


To attend, please register online by 5pm Wednesday 13th June 2018.  Please note that places are limited and early registration is advisable.


About RCSI, 26 York Street

RCSI’s new state of the art medical education building opened in autumn 2017.  The development of this modern, practical and sophisticated facility reflects the College’s commitment to transforming healthcare education, research and service.  The 120,000 square foot development spans 10 floors and comprises a world-class surgical and clinical training suite, a library, a 540 seat auditorium and a sports & fitness suite and has been designed to be both energy efficient and environmentally responsible.