Course Description

Course:                       Systematic Reviews: Mapping the Irish Experience

Course Code:             CONUL T&D 2019:08

Date:                           Friday 29 November 2019, 10.30 – 15.45

Description:               The use of Systematic Reviews is increasing, particularly in non-traditional disciplines. This is placing challenges on librarians directly involved in the provision of support. This participatory event explores the evolving landscape around supports for Systematic Reviews, including their use in teaching programmes, in non-health disciplines and the growing use of software solutions. Irish librarians will share their practices and experiences and identify challenges, trends and opportunities.

Course Objectives:   This event provides the opportunity for practitioners to come together to share and capture their experiences in supporting Systematic Reviews. On completion of the event attendees will have a strong understanding of the Irish Landscape, and key challenges and opportunities. They will have identified examples of best practice and a range of approaches that help inform effective service delivery. A key objective of the event is to create a community of practice among Irish Librarians and the identification of future training needs.

Course Outline:

  • Overview of the Irish landscape through institutional snapshots
  • Group discussions exploring key themes: supporting researcher teams – teaching in the curriculum – experiences with new disciplines – the health sector
  • An exploration of key software tools
  • Scoping a community of practice.

Audience:                   All staff who actively provide support for Systematic Reviews or have an interest in the evolving landscape.

Host Library:             UCD Library

Course Location:       H1.49, O’Brien Centre for Science, University College Dublin

Cost:                           €70




Rayyan Presentation

Eppi Reviewer 4


3 Minute Snapshot of CONUL Institutions