6th July 2021: CONUL Training & Development Group / CONUL Customer Services Group

Show & Tell: Covid as a Catalyst for Change – Customer Services Initiatives with Impact

Date:                     Tuesday 6th July 2021, Online via  Zoom

Great Customer Service is something that all library staff strive to achieve. 2020/21 was an unprecedented time for those of us working in libraries – it necessitated a full assessment and complete pivot from our tried and tested service models as we responded to the needs of our users during the pandemic. This one-day event will showcase best practice and innovation in customer services within academic and research libraries in Ireland during this time.  Presentations on the day will address key questions such as:

How did we welcome and orientate new users from different user groups?
How did we help users find material?
How did we provide customer service during this time?
How did we make sure our online space worked for our users?
How did we solicit and evaluate feedback?

How did we continue to ensure our libraries continued to be sustainable and green?

How did we ensure fair and equal access for all?

Course Objectives:

On completion of this one-day event participants will know more about and have considered:

  • Innovative ways colleagues in other academic and research libraries have introduced projects or initiatives that had an impact on the quality of customer services for users
  • Diverse catalysts for service improvements from across library and organisational contexts
  • Different ways customer service staff can start or support service improvements with impact that manifests at the frontline
  • Approaches and ideas for involving non-frontline staff in service initiatives that impact on customer experience
  • How to communicate and present new initiatives or improvements to colleagues

Audience:  This event is aimed at all library staff, especially staff at Library Assistant or Senior Library Assistant Grades, who are involved in shaping Customer Services and would like to hear examples of innovation from other institutions that have had an impact on how library users experience services.

The full programme for this event is available here.

 Cost:     free

To Register:

Please register your attendance via your local CONUL T&D representative. Attendees will be sent a Zoom invite with login details in advance of the event date.