Teaching and Learning Seminar “The Innovative Teacher”

“The Innovative Teacher” is the theme for this year’s Conul Teaching and Learning Seminar…which takes places on Thursday the 16 th of November, 2017 from 10am – 4pm in
the Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin.

We are delighted to announce that Emma Coonan and David Streatfield will be the keynotes at our seminar and we are really looking forward to both talks:

How can you tell if it is working? Evaluating the impact of educational innovations: David Streatfield, Global Libraries Initiative Consultant.

New tricks? Negotiating the librarian identity: Dr Emma Coonan, FHEA, Academic Librarian (Information and Digital Literacies), Library, University of East Anglia

Check out the full programme and registration details if you would like to know more or attend.
Registration closes this Friday, November 10th .